How to get rid of morning sickness in pregnancy
When women get the news about pregnancy, they are happier
than ever. And most of the women thinks labor pain is only the nightmare they
will be dealing with. But hold on Mommies, there is a lot after entering the
pregnancy phase. The most popular symptom of pregnancy in first trimester
“Morning sickness nausea.”
Unlike its name, it’s not necessary, it will arise
only at morning, it can be seen throughout the day.
So, what are the reasons behind morning sickness nausea?
Doctors are not sure what is the reason behind morning
sickness. But studies show that change in hormones like HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), Estrogen or Progesterone etc. during the pregnancy can
be a cause of morning sickness.
When does morning sickness starts and ends during the pregnancy?
sickness usually starts in 6th week of pregnancy and ends by the
start of second trimester that means during 12th or 14th
week. Sometimes it lasts through the
entire pregnancy.
how to get rid of morning sickness nausea?
are some tested ways to get rid of morning sickness nausea that will surely
relieve you. Some of them are home remedies which came from my granny.
1. Lemon

Lemons contains more amount of citric acid that makes them sour. And they are good source of vitamin c and flavonoid. Also, they smell strong and it is a reason, why its on top of the list. In pregnancy, change in sense of smell is not new. And lemons can help you with that in many ways. You can slice a lemon and sprinkle a pinch of salt on it and just lick it, you can add some drops of lemon juice in a glass of water with some salt and drink it, you can also drink lemon tea or you can just smell a lemon. Lemon can be consumed in many ways.
Ginger commonly used as a spice and an
ancient medicine. And it contains Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamin B6 and dietary
minerals, besides its low in nutrient contents. You can include ginger in tea
and it will test good also. Ginger juice is also a good option to have in
morning sickness. Add some drops of ginger juice in a table spoon of honey and
have it. You can also eat ginger biscuits when you feel acidity. Although it
soothes nausea but should be consume in moderate amount as it has blood thinning
of Nausea are mainly low sugar in blood and acid filled stomach. If you
increase your daily water intake it willhelp you to cope up with nausea as it
will prevent acidity.
change in pregnancy causes relaxation of muscles that leads to slow digestion.
And having big meal can cause you nausea or constipation. So, instead of daily
three heavy meals you can divide them in five or six small meals. it’s good to
take small amount of meal every 2 hours later.
certain food can trigger nausea for certain person. Like when I was in first
trimester of pregnancy oily smell or oily food was triggering me nausea. In
other person it can be different like some women can triggered some smelly
fruits or some can trigger by some wafers or some non-vegetarian food. So, if
we figure this out, we should avoid that food to prevent nausea.
is all about food cravings. And if you’re comfortable with having that it will
help you prevent nausea. It can be anything like crackers, wafers, curd, milk,
buttermilk, dry fruits, dates etc. like anything. But it should be healthy.
Don’t choose those which can’t give any nutrition to your body.
a simple process we always do, whenever we are stressed. It can be done with
morning sickness also. Like, think you are not in nausea, or do something you
are really interested in. it can be your hobby. or listen a good music to sooth your mind, or watch a movie, or
some art work. You can do literally everything.
These are some tips and tricks to tackle morning sickness. Hope that will relieve you.
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